
Day 23 Mansilla de las Mulas to Leon

Day 24 Leon to Villavante

17 May 2014

Boot Stories

There are so many stories along the road. I like the one about Lois from the UK (left)who wore in his army issue boots (given to him by a friend) for two months around his home town. But the leather is hard and needs regular polishing. He must be the only peregrino carrying boot polish in his backpack-and using it every day. Shiny boots beneath the dust!

Pete on the other hand took only a week to wear his new expensive boots in and had problems from day one. So he ditched them and is walking in his rubber crocs!

Friends on the Camino de Santiago
New Friends
Boots were made for walking
Boots were made for walking

Walk to Leon

The walk to Leon 2 days ago was not as difficult as expected. Yes we were alongside a main road a lot of the time but were well separated from the cars except for one short stretch. We even got to see a rural scene along the way.

Sheep on the outskirts of Leon

Accommodation Issuesl

On arriving at our pre booked accommodation we found that our reservation had not been entered. So it was take the last room available or look elsewhere.

As our one bag was on its way and we were tired and in no frame of mind to start looking around for something else we took the room. OK for €39 in that it was clean and had a bed but previous guests had chimney smoked. The choice was to open the reasonably good sound proofing windows and put up with the noisy street below or endure the smoke!

Pilgrim Passport for the Camino de Santiago
Our Pilgrim Passports are filling up

Lost in Translation

Lost in translation. Leon is a lovely city with a lovely cathedral. We went to get our ‘stamp for our Pilgrim Passport, asking for ‘una sello’. The assistant went out of her way to take us down a passage, unlock a door and direct us down the stairs and to the left.  We found the toilets and a locked door.

Confused we returned and told her we couldn’t find the place. She then took us down the stairs again and pointed out the toilets saying ‘aseos’ – the word for toilet. What we’d asked for and what she’d heard were worlds apart!

Peregrino Sculpture
Peregrino Sculpture

The Blisters Worsen

The compeed had been keeping my rather large blister (the size of my big thumb nail) from bursting, but was not fixing the problem. In fact the blister doubled in size.

So yesterday, when we decided to go on to our accommodation (ended up stupidly walking 31+km) instead of getting the them to fetch us after 22km, I decided that I needed a professional to have a look.

Our lovely host took us to the Centro de Salud (Health Centre) where the Dr and her assistant tutted shook their heads at the compeed. Apparently it may help stop the blister bursting but it doesn’t allow it to heal. So after a painless lancing I must return today to ensure there is no infection. Fortunately as we walked so far yesterday we only have 5km today which I will do in my Teva sandals. By the way there was no charge for either consultation or the dressings.

Poppy on the French Camino
Spanish Bodega
Spanish Bodega

More Food on the Camino

On a nicer note we came across another person selling goodies for a donativo. He told us that the little houses built into the earth/ hillside were bodegas-places used in the old days to make and store wine at a constant 12degrees. Most are abandoned these days.

Next Post : It’s Not Snow




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